Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Can you feel the Force?

From Marilee Welch...

Ah, Q-Ray and Bio-Ray: two bits of overpriced tat with no perceivable medical benefits whatsoever, other than to improve the wearer's life by the power of positive thinking. The thought in question being "I'm positive I paid too much for this shit and I'll never fall for such a cruddy scam again".

It's worth checking out the Bio-Ray website, which ought to firmly convince you of the efficacy of their products. Would you entrust your well-being to someone who writes sentences like this?

"In 1975 Ignacio S. Alvarez, the dinamic mallorquin[1], today President of the Company, added his effort to the investigations carried out by this Chiropractor and made the first actions of promotion and development of the product, combining his normal activities with the dedication and the effort that, to start this revolutionary product for the public meant."

Savour that once more in all its glory: "the dedication and the effort that, to start this revolutionary product for the public meant."

That's what you get for hiring Yoda to do your copy-editing.


[1] What the buggering fuck is a "dinamic mallorquin", do you suppose? I can see it now: Issue #297 - Wolverine vs. The Dinamic Mallorquin. It'd sell like hot cakes.

Marilee, if you're out there and reading this... you didn't, as such, in so many words, actually attach the picture to your first submission and - having chased up the subject you mentioned - I'd very much like to see it!